Category: Bodies
Varaform over sculpted WED clay. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Triad Stage, 2018. Designed by Hannah Chalman.
Hand molded in alginate from actor and cast in plaster. Plaster hand molded in silicone rubber and cast in silicone rubber (Dragon Skin). See how it was made…
Puppet built with aluminum and plastic mechanisms, and covered in XLPE foam skin. Watch a video to see the mechanisms in action at my blog. Snow Queen, Triad…
I made a dead deer with articulation so it would move realistically as it was carried around the stage. I began with a urethane foam taxidermy form which…
One of several iterations for the head of King Pentheus. Cast silicone rubber, fake hair, glass eye. The Bacchae, Shakespeare in the Park, 2009. Directed by JoAnne Akalitis. Set Design by…
Silicone rubber over a taxidermy form which was modified to move like a real dead lamb. During the show, video was projected showing the preparation and cooking of…